How to use coin and level hack :
- Log in facebook > App > Restaurant city
- Patch it using piaip tool to allow fast eat, fast serve/cook, auto regeneration
- Gain at least 1 gourmet point (exp point)
- Go into Cheat engine, select brower as process
- tick hex, 8bytes, ASROM
- Scan ' FFFFFFB8D02A0FF2 '
- 1 address returned. (if not found, Read step 3)
- Right click, disassemble it
- You'll see the line "mov eax,FFFFFFFF"
- Change it to "mov eax,00001388" and DO NOT CLOSE the memory viewer, you'll need it
- Note this is the current exp cheat for restaurant city. Now you will gain more exp per dishes.
- Untick HEX and New scan your current level. (example: 20) you'll see alot of addresses, don't worry.
- Wait till you level up to 21. It'll be fast due to the exp cheat you did in step 10
- Now change the "mov eax,00001388" BACK TO "mov eax,FFFFFFFF"
- Next scan your new level. In my example, it's 21.
- Only 1 address left. If more than 1, find an address with a pattern like this "xxxxxFBx". The value of this address will be your current level.
- Change the value to "current level - 6" example: my level now is 21. I will change it to 15. Must be -6, decreasing to an even lower level will get you DISCONNECTED.
- You will be back to lvl 15 in the game. But immediately, you will level back up to 21 WHILE gaining thousands of coins as you level up.
- When you're 21 again, change the value in ce5.5 back to 15 again. And keep repeating steps 17-19 till you have alot of coins.
Download Plaip`s Tool Hack, firefox, cheat engine, flash player.
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